Second Day (7/15/13)
Today, we had our Test Readiness Review (TRR). A group of approximately 20 NASA employees listened to us explain our experiment and inspected our pelican case. After brief deliberation, we passed the TRR! After the TRR, we toured the Sonny Carter Neutral Buoyancy Lab (NBL).
The NBL (not pictured), has a 6.2 million gallon swimming pool with sections of the ISS in it. We watched astronauts in spacesuits swimming in the pool performing a practice Extra Vehicular Activity (EVA). During the practice EVA, there was a safety drill where they had an astronaut pretend to go under cardiac arrest and we got to watch NBL scuba divers extract the astronaut and remove his suit.
Group Photo with G Force One
Chesty, the GoPro Holder
Group picture with the welcome sign: